Beren's Fanfic in eBook Format

Here you will find my fanfic in formats suitable for eBook readers such as a Kindle. Thank you to aetas_lupus from Livejournal for help in creating these files.
(They are also available in A4 MSWord format here and PDF here).

Date Written
American Idol (S8)
Sacrifice to the Moon Adam Lambert/Kris Allen NC17/18 ~17,464wds 14-Feb-11
Summary: AU - Kris is a prince in a land about to be beset by war. The land needs the help of the wolf mages to be victorious and their emissary is in the castle. The mage requires sex to transform and reach his full power ready for the battle. Kris is willing to sacrifice himself for his people.
Mobi PDF ePub MSReader (.Lit)